To illustrate our broad expertise, covering many different economic sectors, commodities, sustainability themes and countries, this page gives an overview of the different projects executed by Profundo over the years. In the menu, you can filter the projects by thematic area. Each project is described briefly and where available the project portfolio - such as reports, brochures or presentations - is provided. Attention is also given to the exposure generated by the project in the media, in politics and elsewhere.
Arcinfo: Des banques suisses financent des projets pétro-gaziers en Arctique
Blick: Les banques suisses financent des projets pétro-gaziers en Arctique
Le Courrier: Les banques investissent encore en Arctique.
Les Echos: L'exploitation du pétrole et du gaz en Arctique pointée du doigt.
Markets Insider: Arctic Oil Is Booming Despite Strong Opposition
Ouest France: Réchauffement climatique : l’Arctique pompé par l’industrie gazière
RFJ: Les banques suisses financent des projets pétro-gaziers en Arctique
RTS: Une ONG dénonce le financement des projets pétro-gaziers en Arctique
Swissinfo: Les banques suisses financent des projets pétro-gaziers en Arctique
Teller Report: Reclaim Finance denounces the exploitation of oil and gas in the Arctic
Yahoo Finance: Arctic Oil Is Booming Despite Strong Opposition