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Rapport: Banking on Climate Chaos 2024
Barclays: Barclays responds to Rainforest Action Network, 'Banking on Climate Chaos' Report
BusinessDay: Big banks still gushing over oil cash despite climate concerns
Coast Reporter: Canadian banks directed over US$100 billion to oil and gas last year: report
Common Dreams: Big Banks Have Funded Climate Crisis With Nearly $7 Trillion Since Paris Agreement
edie: Banks accused of undermining climate pledges with $705bn in fossil fuel financing
Financial Times: Big US banks dominated fossil fuel financing in 2023, campaign report says
Financieele Dagblad: 'Increase in fossil financing by ING and Rabobank'
Forbes: Banks Back Fossil Fuels With $6.9 Trillion
Global Trade Review: Banks increase financing for LNG expansion despite climate warnings
Istoe Dinheiro: Grandes bancos mantêm financiamento aos combustíveis fósseis
Marketplace: U.S. banks remain the world’s largest funders of fossil fuels
NU.nl: Grote banken stoppen nog steeds veel geld in fossiele brandstoffen
QuéPasa: Los grandes bancos mundiales siguen financiando los combustibles fósiles, según un informe
Reclaim Finance: Banks fueling climate chaos: the financing of metallurgical coal mining on the rise
Sierra Club: Banks Continue to Prop Up Fossil Fuels as the Climate Crisis Accelerates
The Banker: Smaller banks increasingly involved in fossil fuel financing, study finds
The Ecologist: World’s biggest banks ‘financed fossil fuels by £5.5 trillion since Paris Agreement’
The Guardian: Banks have given almost $7tn to fossil fuel firms since Paris deal, report reveals