Onze projecten hebben betrekking op veel verschillende economische sectoren, grondstoffen, duurzaamheidsthema's en landen. Deze pagina geeft een overzicht van alle projecten die Profundo in de loop van de jaren heeft uitgevoerd. In het menu kunt u de projecten filteren op de themagebieden waarop wij actief zijn. Elk project wordt kort beschreven en waar mogelijk laten we de geproduceerde rapporten, brochures of presentaties zien. Ook laten we zien hoe media en politiek op het project reageerden.
Rapport: Chinese banks’ forest-risk financing: Financial flows and client risks (pdf)
Rapport: Forests & Finance: Is Your Money Destroying Rainforests or Violating Rights? (pdf)
Rapport: Global Witness: Under the Spotlight - Chinese Banks' Risky Agribusiness Portfolio
Rapport: Soft Commitments,Hard Lessons: an analysis of the Soft Commodities Compact (pdf)
Rapport: 中国银行业森林风险投资 资金流量与客户风险
(O)eco: Operações em paraísos fiscais engordam cofre de frigoríficos em R$ 49 bilhões
Ambiencia: Banco do Brasil é o maior credor de setores que desmatam no país, diz estudo
Askara: Perbankan Dunia dan Kesengajaan Pembakaran Hutan
Associated Press News: Palm oil labor abuses linked to world’s top brands, banks
BankTrack: China is world’s second largest financier of deforestation-linked commodities
BankTrack: Six years of the Soft Commodities Compact failed to slow bank finance for deforestation
Berita Sawit: Korporasi dan Bank Negara Dorong Karhutla di Indonesia
Betahita: F&F Buka Data Bank dan Investor Pendorong Deforestasi
Bloomberg Quint: Banks Direct $154 Billion to Firms Responsible for Deforestation
Business AM: ‘Chinese banken zijn massaal financier van wereldwijde kaalkap’
China dialogue: Op-ed: Reducing the forest footprint of Chinese soft-commodity financing
China Dialogue: 中国金融界应主动规避海外投融资的“森林风险”
Criptonizando: Banco do Brasil é o maior credor de setores que desmatam no país, revela estudo
De Standaard: Peking strooit met geld voor ontbossers
Eco Business: Banks responsible for continuing deforestation in Southeast Asia
Eco-Business: Opinion: Reducing the forest footprint of Chinese soft-commodity financing
Exame: Critérios para crédito devem contribuir com o combate ao desmatamento
Expresso: Desflorestação. Pode um banco fazer mal a uma árvore?
Financial Times: Chinese banks accused of funding deforestation around the world
Folha de S. Paulo: Bancos chineses são acusados de financiar desmatamento em todo o mundo
Folha de S. Paulo: Fundo escandinavo exclui Cargill, Bunge e ADM por desmatamento no Brasil
Global Ethical Banking: Indonesia Moves to Next Phase of Sustainable Finance Roadmap
Global Trade Review: China’s banks urged to stop funding global deforestation
Global Witness: Open letter: Don't leave finance out of a future law on imported deforestation
Green Prophet: Is your bank funding fires in the Amazon?
Greeners: Bank Negara di Balik Karhutla
Het Financiële Dagblad: De trieste oogst van de oliepalm
Hijauku: Bank Kucurkan $154 Miliar untuk Perusahaan Perusak Hutan
Info Sawit: 50 Bank dan Investor di Dunia Dorong Deforestasi Melalui Investasi Besar
Journal de l'environment: Déforestation: les banques mises en cause
Kabar Pulau: Bank dan Investor Besar Ikut Dorong Deforestasi Hutan Tropis
Klikbulukumba: Mengurangi jejak hutan dari pendanaan komoditas lunak tiongkok
Kommersant: Китайские банки стали вторыми в мире по спонсированию вырубки лесов
Kompas: Pendanaan Berkelanjutan Terus Didorong
Le Soir: Environnement: les banques investissent de plus en plus dans la déforestation
Liberty Times Net: 對抗氣候變遷光說不練? 中資銀行被控資助雨林濫伐
Malaysiakini: PNB, EPF, Kwap, Felda named top investors of ‘forest-risk’ firms
Mongabay: $154b in capital has gone to 300 forest-risk companies since the Paris Agreement
Mongabay: Behind the buzz of ESG investing, a focus on tech giants and no regulation
Mongabay: BlackRock’s $400m stake in Amazon meatpackers defies sustainability cred
Mongabay: Chinese banks pouring billions into deforestation-linked firms, report says
Mongabay: Debt deal with deforester BrasilAgro puts UBS’s green commitment in question
Mongabay: How Morgan Stanley is linked to deforestation in the Amazon
Mongabay: Investigation: Dutch, Japanese pension funds pay for Amazon deforestation
Morningstar: Investors Have Tools to Combat Global Deforestation
MSN: Bancos investem pesado em empresas ligadas a desmate desde Acordo de Paris
Novethic Essentiel: Forests and Finance veut stopper la déforestation en asséchant ses financements
NRC: Opinie: De duivel die je kent
O Eco: Bancos injetaram R$ 235 bilhões em frigoríficos desmatadores desde o Acordo de Paris
O eco: Com R$ 2,2 bi, BlackRock tem bala de prata para frigoríficos que desmatam Amazônia
Oeco: Por aposentadoria, médicos e professores estrangeiros alimentam destruição da Amazônia
ORF.at: Vorwürfe gegen chinesische Banken
Portal veg: Frigoríficos receberam R$ 235 bilhões de bancos em quatro anos
Rebublik: Brandherd mit Dividende
Repórter Brasil: Como a Morgan Stanley está ligada ao desmatamento na Amazônia
Repórter Brasil: Monitor #7: "A grana que alimenta o boi”
Repórter Brasil: Monitor #7: "The Money that feeds the Cattle"
Revista Planeta: Bancos investem pesado em empresas ligadas a desmate desde Acordo de Paris
RTS: Audio: Les forêts tropicales attirent toujours plus d'investisseurs, dénoncent des ONG
The Business Times: Banks direct US$154b to firms responsible for deforestation
The Guardian: Chinese banks urged to divest from firms linked to deforestation
The Guardian: UK banks’ support for deforestation firms topped £900m last year
The Jakarta Post: Banks contribute to deforestation, land degradation: Report
Valori: Come la finanza cinese sostiene la deforestazione nel mondo
Villagerspost: Korporasie dan bank negara ikut bertangung jawab mendorong karhutla di Indonesia
WE Demain: Les 5 conseils de Julien Vidal pour redonner du pouvoir à votre argent